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Das Xentry Key Activation

MB SD Connect C4 C5 Software list:

  1. Xentry Diagnostic Tool
  2. Das Xentry Key Activation Download
  1. DAS 2020.06: the automatically Diagnosis Assistance System
  2. Xentry 2020.06: New software released by Bennz Company after 04/2009 by diagnosis new cars.
  3. WIS net 2020.04:Workshop Information System

Supply the whole view of the wiring diagram in a car, component location diagram and maintenance method. What you do is to enter the chassis number, and then you will get the manufacture data, engine configuration and the car model -all in detail.

  1. EPC.net 2018.11:Electronic Parts Catalog
  2. ST Finder:Part Location Finder options: 2008 and 2016
  3. STARUTILITIES :the movement management system and self-test
  4. SD MEDIA 2014
  5. PL73

This is the Startkeycenter I used to activate 12.2017 Xdos with old keys. Move the folder to C:PROGRAM FILES(x86)Mb. Launch startkeycenter from folder. Insert keys for xentry only. For DAS you should move the LIC.SLI file to C:PROGRAM FILES(x86)MbDASBIN which will activate it with no timeout. Oct 17, Das Xentry Key Activation Benz Star /SD Connect 4 Xentry. Is available and carry out the following steps: 1. Connect to the XENTRY Connect. Start the StartKey Center. Using the button on the adjacent Diagnosis desktop. New Xentry DAS Benz software HDD for any laptops.

9.Engineer Software:DTS monaco V8.14.016 And Vediamo V5.01.01 Support Offline Programming

10.HHT Software for old cars

  1. Jul 28, 2020.
  2. Post supplies Mercedes-Benz Xentry.OpenShell.XDOS 2019.03 (19.3.6) free download source and reliable source. Newest Xentry V2019.03 is for Mercedes Star diagnosis, DAS XENTRY V2019.03 software is available with hdd or ssd version. 2019.03 Mercedes star diagnosis with EPC,WIS,Vediam, Dtc, Starfinder win 7 software with new mercedes starfinder online software and mercedes das xentry.
  1. Engineer version Vediamo updated to V5.01.01 ,Engineer version DTS updated to V8.14.016,Upgrade to the latest version of 2019 data

1) Fix the error that Mercedes-Benz DAS cannot directly call WIS Cooling tech microscope software.

2) Join the DAS sedan smart offline programming

3) Join the 204 DAS stand-alone version, which can be mutated (German), which is more powerful than Vediamo

4) Join DAS special function password-free access PKW and SMART

Das Xentry Key Activation

Airbnb app for mac. 5) Repair SMART 450, 451, 452, 454 No longer need TAN Caculator, all offline

6) Increase offline EOL and VMAX all LKW, modify truck maximum speed limit

7) Lift the truck NOx TORGUE restriction, do not need FDOK XT calculation code, directly enter, directly cancel the legal speed limit, you can modify without special function

8) Clear the truck SCR/ADBLUE fault code (MR), do not need FDOK XN calculation code, enter directly

9)Add DAS 212,207 prototyp model

10)Add Xentry special features and the VeDoc calculator($53 for activation)

XENTRY Advanced KeyGen Activate Xentry Software Procedures:

After you finish Xentry diagnostic software HDD(SSD) installation,run “Config Assist”

Click “SDconnect”

Click “Configure”–>”Continue”

Now it will show you with Hardware ID:4A2E762D8561

Run “Xentry Advanced KeyGen.exe”

Click “X” to close it.(Do not click “Close” button)

Click “X” to close

It will show you “Invalid password” message,just click “X” to close

A “Virus warning” message pop-up,just ignore and click “X” close

Now XENTRY Advanced KeyGen run correctly

Input HWID that show above:4A2E762D8561

And input “11” at “Lic Num” section,select expire date for Xentry software.

Then click “Generate” button

Now it will show you license key code as below show

Back to Config Assist to click “Manual”

Paste the license key code in the StartKey section,and click “Save”

Now StartKey installed successfully Disco dancer 1 3 1.

Click “Apply & Continue”

Then it will show you device was set up successfully


Related posts:

Free download 12.2017 Xentry Diagnostics Open Shell XDOS and then install, activate/configure sw on Window 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 for mb diagnostic and programming.

I am just sharing what bros in forums is supposed to be about. I’m not responsible for any bad use.

Free version:

Xentry Diagnostics Open Shell XDOS 12 2017-Torrent.rar (57KB)

No password required!

New Bomb : StartKey Center Deleted on System
New Activation System Started
OLD Key & New Key is working 100%
This version need 2221-45 & 3.91 Error Fix + DAS Blacklist Fix + DAS License 0 Fix
Windows 7-8-10 x86 system not SUPPORT any more


Megadimension neptunia vii pc mods. Tested version:

Xentry Diagnostics Open Shell 12.2017 Windows 7 Windows 10:

Tested & Confirmed to work perfect with SDconnect C4 & Xentry Connect C5 24 valve cummins overhaul manual.

12.2017 XDOS installation:

You will not able to install this version on 32-bit system only 64-bit
In level 436 system go rolling back

Note: install x86 and x64 java, enable firewall and installation will go through

Note: if your installation is not complete. just for a simple reason:

BoschVCI requires an X64 processor!!

Update: windows 32 bit and works well (so HHTWIN can still be used)

12.2017 XDOS Windows 32 bit fix

12.2017 XDOS Configuration: via Config Assist

Looks like they have moved to the « Config Assist » like the Tab 3 instead of Start Key Center.

Should be pretty easy to mod for old keys, just need the magic makers to do their thing

Very likely that in the future they want to remove SDconnect, and they will go with the new Xentry VCI

12.2017XDOS Activation: via Startkeycenter

Xentry Diagnostic Tool

This is the Startkeycenter I used to activate 12.2017 Xdos with old keys. Move the folder to C:>PROGRAM FILES(x86)>Mb. Launch startkeycenter from folder. Insert keys for xentry only. For DAS you should move the LIC.SLI file to C:PROGRAM FILES(x86)>Mb>DAS>BIN which will activate it with no timeout. Blacklist is self explanatory which folders they should go in. I don’t claim any of this files……




Das Xentry Key Activation Download

New & Old keys working 100%:

No problems activating with new keys, have a look at this:

Also No problem withold keys. Xdos 12.2017 installed and activated …Fully working…. I even did a transmission program and scn coding on a 221. For old keys all you need is a modified startkey center folder. Copy toC:Program Files (x86)MB. After key installation you can erase folder. Of course you will need 2221-45 and 3.91 error fix, Das timeout fix and blacklist.

2221-45 & 3.91 Error Fix :

New cars: 118, 167GLE, 177, 238, 247B, 257, 290, P470_1, Spr907, Spr910, Vit448, V-K448

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